Review: The Hollywood Assistant by May Cobb


Release date: July 9, 2024

Publisher: Berkley

Genre: Mystery/Thriller


Offered a dream job in Hollywood with a famous director and his actress wife, an insecure woman becomes their personal assistant where their secrets and lies place her in the crosshairs of a murder investigation.

Cassidy Foster is heartbroken, stuck in life, and getting a little too obsessed with plants. Then when a well-connected friend becomes sick of Cassidy’s moping and gets her a gig with famous Hollywood couple, Marisol and Nate Sterling, Cassidy jumps at the chance to move to sunny L.A. The Sterlings are warm and welcoming. A perfect couple. All Cassidy has to do is be available a few hours a week for errands. In return, she has access to luxury. Designer clothes. A sparkling pool. Great pay. When Nate takes interest in her, asking her to read scripts he’s written, Cassidy thinks this could be the key to kickstarting her writing dreams. As their business relationship grows, so does their attraction. Nate is sexy, talented, and Cassidy can’t believe her luck. Clearly, Marisol doesn’t know what she has. Maybe that’s why the two are always fighting when they think Cassidy isn’t around. But Cassidy learns she was hired for a different purpose. The Sterlings aren’t the perfect couple. Marisol isn’t the perfect wife. And when one of them is found dead, Cassidy becomes the perfect suspect.


This should be the guilty pleasure read of the summer, it was so juicy and scandalous and had everything I want in a summer thriller. Rich people acting like psychos will always intrigue me and The Sterlings were so batshit, I loved it. The first half starts a tiny bit slow but it’s all to set the stage for the unhinged and gripping second half, I was totally hooked. The characters were so messy and entertaining I couldn’t look away just to see what they would do next and then the author cranked up the heat, this was unexpectedly spicy and I was sooo here for it! There were so many great twists, a couple made me cackle they were so fitting and just perfectly executed. If you like over the top and dramatic thrillers with characters that are so fun to hate, plenty of glitz and glam and lots of secrets this was so much fun!

Overall rating: 5/5

Thanks to the publisher for my review copy.

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