All Hallows Read #allhallowsread

Hey guys! I’m super excited to be a host for All Hallows’ Read tomorrow. Today I’m sharing how to sign up and all the details you’ll need to participate. My challenge is going to be Halloween Bookish Bingo and I think it’ll be really fun. I also have some great prizes for the winner of my challenge, but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see what they are. 

All Hallows’ Read consists of a combination of typical read-a-thon components (i.e. setting personal reading goals, establishing a bit of friendly competition with fellow participants, sharing daily updates on social media/blogs/booktubes, etc.) alongside a few unique components. During each day of the read-a-thon, a book blogger will be hosting a literary challenge of his/her creation. The specific directions, prizes, etc. for each of these challenges will be posted on the challenge host’s blog according to the following schedule:

All participants, upon signing up for the read-a-thon via the link below, are invited to create a post/video/tweet/Goodreads status update regarding their goals for the week ahead. These goals can range from the number of books you want to complete over the course of the seven day read-a-thon to the number of pages you’re planning to read per day or a specific to-read list that you’re hoping to work through. Once you’ve posted your read-a-thon goals, don’t forget to include the link in a comment below! If you have a few minutes to spare, feel free to do some blog hopping and stop by other participants’ blogs/booktubes/bookstagrams – you may find some new favorites!

You can check in daily over at Festive Reads.  Daily updates can consist of personal statistics for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of pages read, number of books read, your goals for the upcoming day, the books you plan to start/continue during the upcoming day, your thoughts on your reading progress or the books you’ve been tackling – use your imagination!), some of your favorite update posts from other participants, and, if you choose to partake in the daily challenges, your submissions for those. There is no right or wrong method to creating an update post – it can be as formal or informal as you would like.
Individuals who post a daily update for each day of the read-a-thon will be eligible to win one of several Ultimate Prizes. The winners of these prizes will be randomly selected from the pool of eligible participants at the conclusion of the read-a-thon, so keep an eye out for the announcement! The frequency of any additional updates on twitter and Goodreads may increase your chances of winning one of the Ultimate Prizes, giving you a competitive advantage, so get posting!
The read-a-thon will run from Sunday, October 30th at 12:01 am EST to Saturday, November 5th at 11:59 pm EST. Participants are welcome to sign up for the read-a-thon at any point during the week – it is not mandatory that you sign-up ahead of time!

When discussing the read-a-thon on social media (twitter, instagram, etc.), don’t forget to use #allhallowsread
To sign up for the read-a-thon and view other participants, click here.

If you decide to join you can grab this to share 

Any questions feel free to ask me or the original hosts, The Novelty of Life or Brewing Up Books

21 thoughts on “All Hallows Read #allhallowsread

  1. Books, Vertigo and Tea says:

    I wish I had more time right now. I can’t remember the last time I fell so far behind. I guess it is that time of year 😦 I am excited to see you doing this because it looks really fun, but I am not sure I will be available! Totally sharing so others can join in though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anne says:

    Awesomesauce!! I have no idea if I’ll be able to squeeze anything in this week because I’m SO behind on everything, but I’ll definitely check out the posts and see if I can find the time somewhere to participate :). Mini bookstagram with bingo twist already sounds like so much fun *sigh*. I feel this time of the year is like going to a massive theme park, but you only have 6 hours to spend in it ;).

    Liked by 1 person

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