Review: The Switch by Lily Samson


Release date: May 28, 2024

Publisher: Pamela Dorman

Genre: Mystery/Thriler


Two couples. One twisted game of love and obsession. A dark domestic thriller about the dangerous secrets that come to light when a wild fantasy turns sinister. . .

When young couple Elena and Adam are offered the chance to house-sit in their dream neighborhood for a few months, they jump at the opportunity. The leafy South London enclave is a world away from everything they know, complete with grand homes, lush gardens, and quaint local coffee shops.

Soon Elena crosses paths with the beautiful and enigmatic artist Sophia and her husband, Finn, and she and Adam are pulled into their orbit. Sophia is everything Elena isn’t—glamorous, alluring, successful—and Finn exerts a mysterious pull on Elena that she can’t seem to shake.

Elena’s infatuation with Finn grows stronger by the day, and when Sophia proposes a thrilling game to her new friend—to swap partners in secret—Elena quickly agrees. It’s not long before Elena experiences a sexual awakening that blossoms into an illicit love affair, but Sophia’s plans are far more dangerous than Elena could ever have imagined. . .


First things first, before you start this one you must know that’s it’s ridiculous and highly improbable, but if you can get past that it was truly a fun time. The entire premise is outrageous, Elena and Sophia trick their husbands by sneaking into each other’s beds, like come on wouldn’t they notice? 😂 But again, if you can just go with that it’s insanely fun and juicy. The entire thing feels like one disaster waiting to happen but I love a good train wreck personally. It also has a bit of a cat and mouse vibe between the two women, they’re playing a dangerous game and things get dark. There were some twists that got me, which is always fun and with how batshit the whole plot was I had no idea where it was going and I was pretty shocked by how it all wrapped up. If you like dramatic and over the top stories with lies and betrayals give this a try!

Overall rating: 3.5/5

Thanks to the publisher for my review copy.

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