Review: We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer


Release date: June 18, 2024

Publisher: Atria

Genre: Thriller, Horror


Get Out meets Parasite in this eerily haunting debut and Reddit hit—soon to be a Netflix original movie starring Blake Lively—about two homeowners whose lives are turned upside down when the house’s previous residents unexpectedly visit.

As a young, queer couple who flip houses, Charlie and Eve can’t believe the killer deal they’ve just gotten on an old house in a picturesque neighborhood. As they’re working in the house one day, there’s a knock on the door. A man stands there with his family, claiming to have lived there years before and asking if it would be alright if he showed his kids around. People pleaser to a fault, Eve lets them in.

As soon as the strangers enter their home, uncanny and inexplicable things start happening, including the family’s youngest child going missing and a ghostly presence materializing in the basement. Even more weird, the family can’t seem to take the hint that their visit should be over. And when Charlie suddenly vanishes, Eve slowly loses her grip on reality. Something is terribly wrong with the house and with the visiting family—or is Eve just imagining things?


This book is a total mindfuck, I really had no idea what was happening or where it was going the whole time but I kind of loved that aspect honestly. It kept me on my toes for sure! I think just knowing the setup is really all that’s important, a young couple answers their door to a family saying they used to live in the house, can they come inside for a few minutes? Things spiral from there in unexpected and unsettling directions, this was truly creepy with so many of my own personal fears being unlocked but somehow I still could not put it down. It’s fast paced, almost furiously so and combined with a mounting sense of dread and total uneasiness, it was pretty damn good in a what the fuck is going on kind of way. My rating would have been even higher but there were quite of few questions left unanswered and an ambiguous ending, but maybe I’m just stupid. Anyway, this was original and truly scary and I can’t wait to see the Netflix movie version.

Overall rating: 4/5

Thanks to the publisher for my review copy.

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