Bookfests Award

I was nominated by the sweet Tammy at A Word About Books for the Bookfests award, thanks so much! ❤️


A book you started but never finished…but want to finish. What stopped you from continuing to read it?

I always finish books that I start, I have this compulsion about it. I tend to think that if I just keep reading it may get better, or I may enjoy it more. I like to give it a fair chance before giving my opinion and I don’t think it’s fair to do that if I DNF. 

What elements attract you to a book, which makes you need to read it?

I’m a sucker for an interesting or pretty cover. I know I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but I totally do. Suspense/thrillers tend to catch my eye the most. If there’s a mystery involved I’m all for it, especially if there’s talk of secrets and betrayal in the blurb.

Which books do you prefer, e-copy or hard copy?

There’s nothing like reading a hard copy but I read ebooks too. Being able to tote my Kindle around is so convenient and it helps me squeeze time in when I may not otherwise be able to. But if I had to pick real books would always win.

What book are you currently reading or going to read next?

I’m currently reading Here’s To Us by Elin Hilderbrand (though I’m scheduling this post and that may not be entirely accurate now 😂) Next up is Results May Vary by Bethany Chase. 

 Is it fair to judge a book by its film?

NO! There are plenty of good book to film adaptations but there are plenty that just sucked. I loved the Hunger Games movies and books, I liked the Maze Runner movie but the Scorch Trials movie was so awful I didn’t even finish it! And I really liked that whole series. Sometimes books should just stay books honestly. 

What book did you badly judge by its cover and ended up loving?

I have an opposite for this one. The cover for the Assassin Game caught my eye.

Creepy and disturbing, right?! It wasn’t at all. Sigh.

Which book character have you felt the most kin with and able to relate with?

Oh gosh so many for so many different reasons! I always connect with any characters dealing with being a new mom or dealing with the hardships of parenthood. If I start a list I’m afraid I’ll never stop 😜

My nominees: 

Amanda at Hanging With Amanda

 Aimee at Lovely Book Loves

Nino at Enchanted Readers

Jill at Rant and Rave About Books

As always if you don’t want to participate no worries! 

9 thoughts on “Bookfests Award

  1. rantandraveaboutbooks says:

    Thanks so much for the tag! I also loved both The Hunger Games movies and books. And, I completely agree with you on The Maze Runner. I absolutely love the books, despite the somewhat unsatisfying ending. They did an awful job with The Scorch Trials. It doesn’t even feel like the same story as the book.

    Liked by 1 person

      • rantandraveaboutbooks says:

        They ruined it from the start by not showing how they talk to each other telepathically. I think that’s part of where they went wrong because in the second book he’s trying to talk to her and can’t find her. Plus, there was that cool plot with how they made him the leader and everyone was looking for him. I really liked that part of the book and was bummed they didn’t use it. I wonder if the author was annoyed about how they adapted his books cause I haven’t met one person who was happy with the movies. I liked the first one, dealt with some of its shortcomings, but I never even finished Scorch Trails movie. I was too annoyed. 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      • novelgossip says:

        I didn’t either Jill! My husband was so damn confused as he only watched the movies and he was just as pissed as me. That part of the book was pretty important so dumb they skipped it.

        Liked by 1 person

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