Blogger Guilt Part 2 

Last month I posted a discussion about blogger guilt and there were still several things I wanted to talk about, so here’s part two! 

Based on comments left on the first post and conversations I’ve had with several of you, here’s some more reasons we feel guilty. 

We don’t always have the time to read every single post our bloggers friends publish. 

I’m sure most of you are like me and follow many other book bloggers, it’s part of the fun! You guys are my go to people for recommendations and I value your opinions so very much. If Annie at The Misstery raves about a book, I know it’s worth checking out. Or if Renee at It’s Book Talk says she read a book she thinks I would like, I listen. Then there’s Chelsea at The Suspense is Thrilling Me who is basically my reading soul mate, if she offers to mail or swap books with me, I’m in. I could go on, there are so many of you guys that I trust implicitly, but my point is that there are SO many of us and commenting on every single post that everyone you follow shares is totally unrealistic. I sometimes post three times in one day and that’s just ME. I would rather have you take the time to comment on a review of mine that you really wanted to rather than just comment because you feel obligated. 

We feel like we have to post something every single day. 

I’m guilty of posting daily, but not because I feel like I have to. I read so much that I need to share a review almost daily in order to keep up with myself. I don’t like being behind on my reviews because I’m afraid I’ll forget what I wanted to say about the book and how it made me feel so I write a review within hours of finishing the book. But no one should feel like they have to have some sort of content daily, that’s crazy. I would much rather follow someone who posts something of value once a week or month than someone who posts half assed garbage five times per day. It’s YOUR blog, post as much or as little as you want. 

Social Media 

A few people said they felt guilty for not having social media accounts for their blog and while I do and feel that it’s a great tool for me, it’s not a requirement, in fact nothing is. While I love me some Twitter it is a huge time suck and I can totally understand why some people don’t want to go down the rabbit hole. I’ve seen several other bloggers take social media free days or weeks and while it’s tempting to me, I know it only works when I’m on vacation. I’m addicted, first step is admitting, right?! My point is, if you have SM for your blog, great, if you don’t, that’s fine too. I love Instagram and am in awe of so many beautiful accounts (do y’all follow Crime by the Book? #goals 😍) but I know my pictures are so amateur and I’m lucky more than five people follow me, but I actually have fun taking the few pics a week I share there, it should all be for fun! 

Personal TBR 

I hate this as well, we all have stacks of books to review, but what about all of those awesome books that we bought on Amazon or the cute, local bookstore? They’re patiently waiting and we have to keep ignoring them to keep up with review copies. I’ve been thinking about taking a month off of review copies/blog tours in July solely so I can focus on my personal TBR only. Wouldn’t it be nice to casually grab a book to read? Or read something that you’re totally in the mood for? Some of you may already do this and I bow down to you, I however have dug myself a hole so deep I may never get out. If anyone is interested in the month off thing let me know, maybe we could make some sort of challenge?

Reading Slumps

Ahh the dreaded slump! I haven’t hit one yet since I started my blog, but I know plenty of people who have and I’m always scared it’s coming on for me. What do we do when we can’t find a book to draw us in? What if you committed to a tour and you just can’t get into the book? Well, here’s what I would do. If it’s for a tour I would immediately contact whoever is organizing it and let them know the book just isn’t working for you at this time. Most likely they will arrange for you to participate in another way, maybe an excerpt, a q & a or a guest post. If it’s early days they can probably find someone else to fill your spot. But I know they aren’t looking for a negative review and no one should expect you to force yourself to read something you don’t like. As for getting over the actual slump? Do something else. Binge watch movies or TV, take a walk, exercise and come back to a different book another day. But above all else, don’t feel badly about it! 

Personal obligations 

I’m super guilty of this, I always feel bad about the time I spend doing something blog related and how it may be taking away valuable time with my family. I have three kids and a husband and one of my kids is special needs. I don’t get out much and I don’t do a whole lot just for me and reading/blogging is truly my escape from reality. I swear some days it’s saves me from going insane, I know that sounds over dramatic but it’s true. I try and do most of my blog stuff when my family is otherwise occupied but there are times when they’re not. I really try not to beat myself up too much about this because I need something that is all my own, for my kids sake and my own. 

Again, I could keep blabbing but I don’t want to put you all completely to sleep! 

Can you relate to any of these? Do you have other reasons you feel guilty? How do YOU overcome those guilty feelings? 

75 thoughts on “Blogger Guilt Part 2 

  1. Cathy says:

    Yes, I can definitely relate! I’ve cut back a lot on reviews, it was getting too much. My open review submissions are closed now, I’m only working with people I’ve worked with before. You can only do so much and like you say, I have loads of books I’ve bought that I don’t get chance to read even now. Audios do help (but only if I like the narrator) Social media takes up so much time as well, not that I don’t enjoy it but before I realise, half the day is gone! I do feel guilty if I don’t share though. Still, I do love the whole package so that’s me done 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  2. TeacherofYA says:

    I don’t even know how you post every day! For me it’s like special if I post every two days…average is three. That’s amazing and you should give yourself props for that, girl!!
    We may not read the same genre, but I always think your discussion posts are genius!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Richard Fernandez says:

    Thanks for posting this. As someone who has blogged for a while but who is now taking it semi-seriously, it is good to know that those feelings of being on a treadmill – not only on keeping up with my own posts but also everyone else’s – are par for the course.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Renee (Itsbooktalk) says:

    I know we’ve talked about some aspects more than others lately but you did hit all nails on the head with this post!! I’m working on balancing the reading, sharing, commenting of others posts because there just isn’t enough time to do all and actually read books and write posts! I’m so glad I’ve found you and trust and value your opinions and book recs implicitly! I’m on board for the month of reading from own tbr:)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. noveldeelights says:

    I’m trying (and failing) to stay away from twitter more in order to have more time to comment on other people’s blogs. I don’t want to just share stuff. I want to interact and get to know people, you know? But there are only so many hours in a day. And I don’t even follow that many blogs yet. I’m already worried about the future! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  6. notsomoderngirl says:

    I get what you’re saying here, especially when you’re blogging and feel as though you shouldn’t be! I don’t have a family to balance my blogging with, but my studies are so demanding that when I go on my blog, I feel bad for ignoring them for a bit! For me, blogging is a relaxation and a release though! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. BrizzleLass says:

    The personal TBR thing used to really get to me last year I only read two books I had bought! 😲
    This year i wrote a monthly schedule and dedicated as t least ten days per month to my personal TBR (blog tours allowing) I’ve already shifted about 10 off the list and it feels so much lighter to be reading books I bought aswell as the ARCs. It’s great having review copies but I think we have to remember to read for ourselves sometimes.
    I also agree with all of your other points 100%.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. mrsbloggsbooks says:

    I can totally relate to this Amy. I do have ‘Switch off and read’ days where I pick a (paperback) book from my own TBR and read it. Also have TV binges then come back to reading. It all helps me.
    I’m also not a prolific blog poster and am in awe of those who post more content than me.
    I love blogging though and being part of the blogging community- my tribe! Other non reading friends view me as a bit )book) barmy because I read so much.

    Caryl x

    Liked by 1 person

  9. raven avery says:

    Yeah, the personal TBR thing is a huge problem for me, I have a book that I got given to me two years ago that I was desperate to read and somehow its still sitting on my shelf waiting. I also agree with a lot of your other points, sometimes I feel like I should steer clear of twitter more often but I’m now trying to find the balance between sharing and commenting on other blogs 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Keeper of Pages says:

    Ooo a month of no reviews copies, own books only, that’s sounds interesting. That would definitely stop me accepting those last minute blog tour requests haha! I agree fully, it’s your blog, have fun with it, if it’s no longer enjoyable, what’s the point right!?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. ★ Bentley ★ says:

    I’m new to blogging (3 months in now!) but I’ve already noticed how my TBR list is growing enormously as blogging really becomes entwined with what used to just be reading as a hobby. Now I’ve got multiple books going on at once and buddy-reads with friends I’m making in the community and I know that Mr. Bastion sometimes is shocked that instead of just resting and relaxing at the end of the night I’ve got laptop in hand to mock up a review while it’s bouncing around in my head. It’s a commitment, for sure – but I totally know what you mean that reading and chatting about books is sort of an escape for me too from all my other obligations.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Geronimo Reads says:

    Nail on the head. So completely accurate!! I’m guilty of every single one of these right now, especially the personal TBR and posting daily. I ended up stressing myself out so much that it put me in a reading slump and a break from the blog. I’m hoping to start back up soon though!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Books, Vertigo and Tea says:

    Great addition to your post Amy! I think that once again you have managed to nail it for many of us. I laid in bed last night feeling a twinge of guilt because I have been sick for two days and have appointments this week. Then I had to tell myself that I was being so ridiculous. In fact, I had to tell myself this multiple times ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  14. My Book Reviews for You says:

    Thank you for this post! I really enjoyed reading this. I try to read through everyone’s posts on FB because I like to see everything that is going on and support everyone. I do not look at any other media besides Facebook. I have often joked that I need to stay home all day just to keep up. I have always felt obligated to make a post on my blog every day. But then I never know if I am posting too much. I just recently made a decision regarding my TBR pile, because I never read any of these books. I have decided to try to rotate and read net galley or arc books to review and then one of my personal TBR books. I will have to see how this works. I feel guilty doing my reading and blogging sometimes, but I too enjoy it and want to continue as much as I can. Gena

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Emma says:

    I can relate to all of these at the moment. For me, social media is the first to go. I don’t know if I feel guilt but I did when I first started blogging. Now, thanks to work, I have had to take more than one break and each one, when I come back makes the guilt less if that makes sense. I realise I can come back and I do.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Annie says:

    ❤ Thanks for the mention lovely. Agree with everything you've said… We can't do everything…I work 40 hours a week and I love reading and blogging, but no one can expects us to read, share and comment every post!

    I don't really check my TW timeline, to be honest :/

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Ann Marie says:

    Every. Single. One. Of. These! I always have the feeling that I’m juggling wine bottles while jogging on banana peels. Thanks for being honest and sharing so many things I’m sure we all experience.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Amanda @Cover2CoverMom says:

    Fantastic sequel to Blogger Guilt pt. 1! I think we all can relate to these. I personally struggle the most with the fact that blogging has consumed my life. I constantly feel guilty all the time & effort I put into my blog. If you allow it, blogging/reading can definitely suck you in, but it isn’t good to neglect your personal life. Blogging definitely gives me a creative outlet and a project that is solely my own, which is why I love it so much. I think it is one of those things where you have to find a healthy balance.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Pussreboots says:

    I do post once a day because I have so many reviews written. I schedule them well in advance so that the actual posting part doesn’t take much of my time. I usually do it either when my children are doing homework or just before bed. I stopped taking ARCs and eGalleys a few years back because they were taking all my time with very little in the way of reward and were skewing the tone of my blog. After Google killed it’s reader, I’ve pretty much stopped following blogs on a daily basis. Most of my bookish socializing now is on Twitter or Tumblr. Finally, though, family does come first. If I miss posting a review, I’ll just back date it and post two the next day. No big deal.

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