It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #imwayr

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly post to share what you recently finished reading, what you’re currently reading, and what you plan on reading this week. It’s hosted by Kathryn at Bookdate.

What I Read Last Week:

Best Friends Forever was an entertaining, light mystery with chilling moments.

The Reunion was a fantastic psychological thriller that delivered the promised jaw dropping twist.

The Surrogate was a great audiobook and my new favorite Jensen book.

Look For Her was about a cold case, one of my favorite premises!

The Story of Our Lives was a lovely read about female friends with a clever structure.

Currently Reading:

Up Next:

I think I’m finally, slowly coming out of my reading slump, which is exciting! One positive from it has been that it made me reflect and reevaluate how I want to move forward. I still love book blogging and find it to be really fun, but I realized that I’ve been putting unnecessary pressure on myself to read all of the books! Super unrealistic and silly honestly because that’s just impossible. Most of the time it’s me having FOMO, which again is just stupid so I’ve decided to be more discerning in terms of the books that I commit to reading. I cannot do it all and I want to continue to enjoy doing this and not constantly feel like I’m under pressure to read. It’s all self inflicted, no one has made me feel this way for the record. With all that said, I’ll be refraining from posting reviews on the weekends unless I have a prior commitment just so I’m not constantly writing blog posts. So no huge changes, I’ll still be around, I feel like scaling back slightly will only have a positive impact on my life! Does anyone else do this? Curious what works for you all.. And how was your week?!

23 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #imwayr

  1. noveldeelights says:

    I don’t have set days in my mind for not posting but if I miss a day, I don’t feel bad about it anymore. Used to. Like there was some unwritten rule that said I had to post every single day. Now all I need to do is learn not to say yes to all the blog tour review requests that land in my inbox so I can actually read my own books at a more leisurely place. That’d be nice. 😄

    Glad to hear you feel like your reading slump is behind you though. I hope you’ve settled into your new home now as well. xx

    Liked by 2 people

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