Review: Life and Other Inconveniences by Kristan Higgins


Release date: August 6, 2019

Publisher: Berkley

Genre: Women’s Fiction


Emma London never thought she had anything in common with her grandmother Genevieve London. The regal old woman came from wealthy and bluest-blood New England stock, but that didn’t protect her from life’s cruelest blows: the disappearance of Genevieve’s young son, followed by the premature death of her husband. But Genevieve rose from those ashes of grief and built a fashion empire that was respected the world over, even when it meant neglecting her other son.

When Emma’s own mother died, her father abandoned her on his mother’s doorstep. Genevieve took Emma in and reluctantly raised her–until Emma got pregnant her senior year of high school. Genevieve kicked her out with nothing but the clothes on her back…but Emma took with her the most important London possession: the strength not just to survive but to thrive. And indeed, Emma has built a wonderful life for herself and her teenage daughter, Riley. 

So what is Emma to do when Genevieve does the one thing Emma never expected of her and, after not speaking to her for nearly two decades, calls and asks for help?


I am SO excited that it’s finally time for me to fangirl over one of my all time favorite authors latest book! She’s one of those rare gems that gets better with each book, I always say her newest is my most favorite and I’m saying it again here. This had all the elements that I’ve come to expect and love from KH and much more.

This flips back and forth between Genevieve, Riley and Emma with some chapters from other secondary characters as well giving you a true birds eye point of view of all the action. While KH books always have an engaging storyline full of humor and heart, what truly makes her books shine is her phenomenal characterization. Every single character here was portrayed in a way that made them feel larger than life and like you could easily imagine yourself chatting to them in real life. This amazing writing style allows you to get so fully invested in these people that they feel like real friends by the time you get done. This tactic also always makes me feel something, I could relate to Emma’s struggles as a mother, I felt sympathetic to Genevieve’s loss of her son, I wanted to help keep Riley safe from the mean girls at school, my point here is that it was an emotional read and I experienced way too many emotions to name, both highs and lows.

If you’re already a fan of KH you’ll be ecstatic about this one and if she’s a new to you author grab this and then be so excited she has an extensive backlist to devour because you’ll definitely want more!

Life and Other Inconveniences in three words: Heartfelt, Emotional and Moving

Overall rating: 5/5

Thanks to the publisher for my review copy.

8 thoughts on “Review: Life and Other Inconveniences by Kristan Higgins

  1. Susan says:

    I have been following your blog for the first time this year and have read and loved so many of your 4 and 5 star recommendations. This book sounds great! I have never read any Kristan Higgins books. What other books would you recommend by her?

    Kind regards, Susan

    Liked by 1 person

    • novelgossip says:

      That’s so great to hear thank you so much! So her earlier stuff is Contemporary Romance and is adorable, she has a series called Blue Heron that’s fun. But her more recent stuff is more Women’s Fiction but just as good, just lighter on the romance. I loved Now that you mention it and good luck with that. But honestly all of her books are just great!


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